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The Malosi
A parasitic race from the Hardnova Intercosm
Contributor: Collaborative User *Created: Sep 04, 2007Modified: Jan 14, 2019System: HardNova ][

The Malosi are a race of parasites native to Planet Jar’uban. In their natural state the Malosi resemble a sickly green slime. The Malosi bond at the cellular level with those who come into physical contact with this slime. The entire process takes about five to ten minutes and is excruciatingly painful and lethal to the host. Once the bonding process is complete, the Malosi assumes complete control of the host body and also absorbs a tangled snarl of the host’s thoughts and memories. A Malosi masquerading as the host may stand up to cursory inspection, but close friends and relatives often notice something odd about his appearance and behavior. The host’s thoughts and memories serve a second function as well, often helping to define the Malosi’s own personality. Malosi begin to lose cohesion after about one-thousand years. They are asexual beings who reproduce only once in their lifetime. This process is involuntary and usually occurs in the third or fourth century of life. Society The Malosi are dying race that is scattered throughout the galaxy. They have no society of their own, nor do they have any organized contact among their own kind. The Malosi begin life as a blank slate. Their vices and virtues are initially dictated by the personalities they absorb, but Malosi learn and grow from their experiences just like any other being. Most races hate and fear the Malosi. In fact, the word Malosi is actually the Apriisu word for “deceiver.” First contact with the Malosi began when an Imperial survey mission landed on Planet Jar’uban and several members of the survey team were absorbed by Malosi slime before the others realized what was happening. The surviving team members quarantined their infected colleagues and set off for Planet Darhren hoping to find a cure, but their ship was attacked and boarded by Ireewar pirates while en route. The Malosi escaped in the confusion and the surveyors were killed without having the chance to warn others of the threat. The Malosi lived among the pirates for a while before returning to Jar’uban to gather more of their kind. They then spread to all sectors of the galaxy, quietly inserting themselves into Imperial society until they were eventually exposed by the Apriisu during the Malosi Affair (see page 23). The existence of the Malosi caused fear and confusion throughout the galaxy. Tests were developed to detect the Malosi as well as antitoxins that could reverse the absorption process before it was entirely complete. These antitoxins are almost always fatal to the Malosi. The Malosi usually go to great lengths to ensure their true nature is not discovered, however, some put their unique ability to use in the private sector by hiring out as spies and assassins to multiworld corporations and criminal organizations. Planet Jar’uban (Utani System) Jar’uban is a large planet that was rendered incapable of supporting life after a massive biological weapons attack by the Apriisu. The Malosi sometimes journey there in search of their heritage, but the place is avoided by other races. Despite the planet’s desolation, there are those who believe the Malosi cells are merely dormant, not dead. Characters Limitations none Required Gimmicks none (discrimination)* Optional Gimmicks any (as host) *if Malosi nature is discovered

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