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Exiled in Eris
Brett's Blog

A Fistfull of Miniatures is here!Jan 04, 2009 | 4:40 pm
The mysterious 15mm game is... A Fistfull of Miniatures. This classic game from the 80's and its companion book are now available as scanned reprints. This game is the epitome of do-it-yourself publishing from that era. What do I mean by this? You use a typewriter or computer to enter and print some text. Then you cut up and paste the printed text in blocks on a page, separated by hand-drawn artwork (which is really quirky) and typed/printed tables. Then either get it photocopied or printed. This is what indie publishing was like 20 years ago. While it's rough in spots, AFOM does 15mm large-scale fantasy battles really quick and easy. There's even two reference pages in the back.

Figures represent whatever scale you prefer, from 20 men to 35 or even 70. They are then categorized by type: light or heavy infantry and light or heavy cavalry. Then you can add leaders and wizards, or more exotic figures like elves, wolf riders, trolls, dragons, etc. Armies are point-based, so you can balance them. There is a little bit of math in determining casualties (like dividing by 20 or 10), but you can use two tables that simplify this instead. The best part is that there is virtually no paperwork once the armies are created. Some advanced rules are also provided, like additional armor types, shields, weapons, and options. And added just for this reprint, basic rules for giving magic spells to wizards. The most unusual element is the averaging die that is required (although a normal 6-sided die roll can be modified as a substitution). Averaging dice have no ones or sixes, but 2 twos and 2 fives. These seem to have been common in the 80's, but not so much now. Luckily, I found some and they are available for 89 cents a piece (you only need one).

The companion book, For a Few Miniatures More, adds some scenarios, army lists, and new/optional rules. Some extended examples for the original rules are also provided. Siege Engines make an appearance along with elephants (oh yeah) and chariots. New formations are also added: the wedge and hedghog, as are new types of units like skirmishers, fanatics, and berserkers.

This is a fun game system. If you're into 15mm miniatures or large fantasy/historical battles, give it a try. Once you get past the do-it-yourself feel, I think you will like it as much as I do. While I do plan to revise it into one book, who knows when I'll find the time to do that. I'm still working on the revision for Tombstones n' Tumbleweeds.
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djlittle Commented:Jan 05, 2009 | 6:24 pm

I remember seeing this a looooooooooong time ago!
Brett Commented:Jan 05, 2009 | 8:11 pm
A long time ago? It's like a century in game-years :)

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