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Treasure Awaits! Articles

Treasure Awaits!
Tree Grapplers: A new wilderness creature for Treasure Awaits!


Treasure Awaits! Open Supplement License: License for distributing supplemental material for Treasure Awaits!


The Restless Mausoleum (A TA! QPA): Can the heroes lift a young man's curse while appeasing the restless dead?


The Hunt (A TA! Quick-Play Adventure): A simple boar hunt in Dahwelm Forest sees the heroes go from hunter to prey.


Treasure Awaits: Paladins and Rangers: Guidelines for Paladins and Rangers.


Treasure Awaits! Druids: Guidlines for indruducing Druids to TA!


Treasure Awaits! Monks: Guidelines for adding Monks/Martial Artists


Treasure Awaits! In Town: Things to spend your gold on!


Treasure Awaits! Printable Sheets: Adventurer, Creature, Reference, and Conflict Action Map Sheets for Printing


Tools of the Trade [work in progress]: When you need to visit the store between adventures...


Treasure Awaits! Clerics: Guidelines for adding Warrior-Wizards


The Pundit on Dungeons: Advice for creating dungeons.


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