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Coyote Trail Articles

Coyote Trail
Coyote Trail Character Evolution: Growing characters for Coyote Trail


Cowboy Encyclopedia Volume 1: Some interesting terms and facts of the old West.


The WILD Wild West Vocations & Gimmicks: Explore the wierd West as one of three Secret Service Agents.


Two Army Vocations: Army Soldier & Scout


Animals of the Wild: Animals that can be found in the West.


New Vocations for Coyote Trail: A variety of alternate vocations for Coyote Trail.



genreDiversion i
genreDiversion i Success Table: Color-coded table to determine margin and success.


MasterBook to genreDiversion i: Notes for converting characters from MasterBook and Shatterzone.


GDi Sci-Fi Skill/Gimmick Indices: An index of where to find select skills and gimmicks.


Alternate genreDiversion i Mechanics: A variation on task resolution for the GDi rules (roll high).


Blowing Dough: Optional Wealth Ability


Other Detective Units: [Vice Squad: Miami Nights] More detective options. This is descriptions only and has no new rules.


Code Talk: Some radio police and military codes to use with Vice Squad: Miami Nights.


Card-based Luck and Distractions: Optional rules for GDi games, specifically Coyote Trail.


Heroic Dice Tricks: Increased chance of success in genreDiversion i


Natural Armor and Staying Alive: Optional armor rules to make characters tougher


Unusual Hungers: A few new story seeds for Hunger: Zombies Must Feed.


Gained Skill-Based Epiphanies: An alternate rule for Hunger: Zombies Must Feed.


Alternate Dynamite Scatter Chart: An alternate chart for Coyote Trail and HardNova II.


Alternate GDi Damage Rolls: A option for heroic characters.


SWAT: A mini-setting for Active Exploits, genreDiversion i, and Impresa Express.


Extended Damage Rules: Add a little gore to genreDiversion i.


Time Lord to genreDiversion i Conversion: Notes for converting characters from Time Lord.


XPG™ to genreDiversion i Conversion: Notes for converting characters from Deep7's XPG System.


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